New in 2019: Introducing… Felix Eddy!

With all the interruptions, you might have thought we were finished with the new title announcements for 2019, but we’re not! We have another one to announce and this book will be like none other. coverimagettrm

You may be familiar with Felix Eddy through her work on the cover and the illustrations for The Time Traveller’s Resort and Museum by David McLain, but now Felix Eddy will be joining the Mirror World family with a book of her own, A Bestiary Alphabet.

This book is a fully illustrated fictional encyclopedia of mythological creatures and we can’t wait to see it all come together!

In the meantime, here’s a little bit about the author-illustrator:

image1(1)Felix Eddy is an artist, seamstress, mom, and illustrator from upstate New York. She’s inspired by dreams, folklore, mythology and sci-fi; especially retro-futurism and steampunk. She is an award-winning painter and graphic designer as well as a quilter and crafter who loves to work her peculiar aesthetic into traditional mediums. She shows her work online and at conventions and festivals all oner the North Eastern United States. You can find her work and her upcoming shows on her website at

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